Christmas doubles lights up Bordeaux

This past Saturday, the spirit of Christmas swept through the Jeu de Paume de Bordeaux for the now legendary Christmas Tournament, a colorful and emotionally rich spectacle. Twelve pairs of double players, totaling 24 participants, engaged in fierce competition, brightened by the most extravagant of costumes. From British pink flamingos to local Santas, originality was in full swing, including Henri as a chicken, Jacques as a clown, and Rémi shining bright, to name a few! A big bravo to everyone for getting into the spirit!

The highlight was the final between Sarah Lambie & Daniel-Konrad Cooper from Hampton Court and Nicolas Planty & Pierre Marchand, who prevailed 7/6 in a breathtaking series of twists, saving five match points before their triumph; all in a crazy atmosphere. The clever use of the 'Christmas Ball' by our English guests added a touch of magic to this thrilling encounter.

Congratulations as well to the Teetsovs on their well-deserved victory in the consolation round.

A huge thank you to all for your enthusiasm and contribution to the success of this event. A special mention to those who traveled to join us: the cheerful Pau locals and our friends from Hampton Court! Every interaction and burst of laughter strengthened the unique bond of our community.

Photos and the complete tournament bracket below are proof of these unforgettable moments. See you very soon on the court for new adventures!

Best wishes to all,

The Bordeaux Club

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