A Day of conviviality and exchange between Bayonne Pays-Basque and Bordeaux: when game of 'Jeu de Paume' brings people together
In an atmosphere of camaradery and discovery across the generations, members of the Bayonne and Bordeaux Jeu de Paume clubs recently shared a unique day to play their beloved sport. This non-competitive meeting celebrated the spirit of exchange and sharing between the two clubs.
The ingenious idea of mixing a player from Bayonne with a player from Bordeaux gave rise to moments of collaboration and complicity on the court. Together, they explored the subtleties of the game of paume, leaving aside any notion of victory or defeat to concentrate on the pure pleasure of the game.
Lea Van Der Zwalmen's presence, despite her busy schedule and her recent return from England, was a real catalyst for this memorable day. Her commitment to making this meeting possible was admirable, and her gesture testifies to the importance of friendship and sharing in the world of sport.
Un grand merci également à Baudouin, le maître Paumier de Bordeaux, dont la passion et l’expertise ont illuminé cette journée. Sa générosité à partager son savoir a permis à tous les participants de s’immerger pleinement dans l’univers fascinant du jeu de paume.
The images captured during the day reflect the complicity and good humor that reigned throughout. They testify to the richness of the exchanges and the simple joy of sharing a privileged moment between enthusiasts.
Beyond the game, it's the strength of the human bond that was celebrated, reminding us that in sport as in life, it's by sharing our passions and values that we mutually enrich each other.
Viva la 'Jeu de Paume' in the South West!
Cécile Alchuteguy