Update: 2025 Ladies World Championship

The 2025 Ladies World Championship Singles and Doubles will take place in beautiful Newport, Rhode Island from 24 to 31 May.

Under the new rules of this event, the top four players in the world (based on RTO Singles Handicap six months before the start of the tournament) are invited to compete as automatic qualifiers into the main draw of the Championship. As a result, we are delighted to announce that these four players are: 1 Claire Fahey (UK), 2 Lea Van Der Zwalmen (France), 3 Tara Lumley (UK) and 4 Saskia Bollerman (Netherlands).

There will be a handicap doubles event, so tennis for everyone, along with what are always memorable social events in a club and town universally acknowledged as one of the very best venues in real tennis.

This is also a special year in Ladies World Championship history. Forty years after the first ever Championship at RMTC in April 1985, the event takes an exciting step forward, moving to a challenge format, with World Champion Claire Fahey waiting in the final to meet the winner of a series of eliminators between the next five best women players in the world. So a week of top tennis to look forward to.

Further details are now available at the event website, www.2025lwc.com.

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